Saturday, January 15, 2011

I bought things today.

Not wasteful things (well, that could be argued), but things. Food, things for my room that I forgot (like clippers, flashdrive, etc.)

I'm not totally broke, so I guess that means it's all good. I bought a lunch box and some chop sticks. They were really cute (I "splurged" the box was 980 Yen, the chop sticks around 500yen. Shame, shame).  I also bought a sponge that had a face on it, but it's only 100 yen, so I feel no shame in that.  I seriously just might clean that store out of it's adorable sponges.
On to the pictures!

Tell me he isn't adorable. I bought him today and I'm super
excited to bathe now.

Chopstick case.

Why I bought it. It has Totoro on it!

Inside. It's wonderful, trust me.

My bento box.

It came with it's own bag. It was worth the 980 yen to me.

I also bought white chocolate hot chocolate. I haven't tried it yet (need milk. I need to read before I buy!) but I'm very, very excited about it.
That's all for now.


  1. Glad you buying things, can't wait to see everything

  2. very cute bento box. I got one for myself when I was over there along with some chopsticks as well lol

  3. It is so nice to read and see how things are going with you out there. I am so glad you are having a good time. You make me so proud.I miss you and love you and look forward to all your posts.
    Love always,
    your father
