Sunday, December 26, 2010

Where I'll Be Staying

I'll be staying in Tokyo (obviously) but I'll be an hour from school at the "Onatakesan Dorm." Took quite a bit of time for them to get back to me and I still don't have my courses (which I actually kind of NEED. Maybe I'm just used to my home school. As soon as you sign up for courses, that's your schedule. There's no waiting a month for them to come back to you, but I digress). I'm trying to be patient. To be honest, Temple has made this process so much more difficult than it should of been. They've been short with me, bad at getting out and recieving information, and they just come off as if they're overwhemled with this process or just tired of it in general. Even the students who have gone before me are kind of "eh" about the experience they've had with the application process. However, if Temple needs more money, they're on it!

I requested single. If I could of typed it in all caps, I would of. I need some alone time after all (or there will be murder). Here's the info.

From the Temple Japan Website:

Ontakesan Dorm is located in a quiet residential neighborhood in Ota Ward in Tokyo. The commuting time from the dorm to the campus is approximately 50 minutes by public transportation. The dorm has 59 single bedrooms, each of which is furnished with a TV(With will be close to worthless since none of my shows will be on there. Lol), a big size refrigerator (Awesome!), a table/chair, a cloak (A cloak? Like...a cape?) and a bed. Pillow, blanket, and bed sheets are provided, but towels are not. Internet connection is available through a wired Ethernet connection in each room (cables are provided) and a wireless connection in the lounge. Bathrooms and showers, kitchen, lounge, and laundry facilities are shared.


I have no idea how I'm going to deal with sharing a bathroom, shower, and kitchen with other people, but I'll figure it out. Hopefully there won't be any problems. :) 


I'll update with pictures of my own when I arrive.


  1. Patience is something I did not teach you but I agree about the Temple process (horrible). So excited for you and I can not wait until you start your journey. The photo of the room is not bad, glad you have a door at aleast.

  2. Girl have fun! I'll be following this :) post often when you get there if you can!

  3. I'm ridiculously envious of you right now! Plus, you're going to end up speaking so much Japanese...and watching so much jdorama, who needs American TV?!

    I hope when you get there, the experience is a lot more pleasant!
